Germinating tomato seeds
If you want to grow a tomato plant, the first thing to do is to germinate your tomato seeds. You can choose from up to 20 different types of tomato seeds. Germination works best at a temperature that varies between 23 and 26 degrees Celsius. Use a seed tray with a plastic cover or regular pots that you cover with cellophane for a sweltering environment.
The best way to germinate tomato seeds
Use moist potting or sowing soil and sow the tomato seeds one centimeter apart. Cover the seeds with up to half an inch of soil and moisten this soil with a plant sprayer. Do not use a watering can, because then the soil will wash out and the tomato seeds will rise to the surface again. Also, don’t sow them too deep, as this will make it difficult for the tomato seeds to germinate. Place your seed tray or pots in a warm and light place and they will germinate between five and seven days.
Also important when germinating tomato seeds
In addition to heat, there are a number of factors that you must take into account during the germination process. To keep the tomato seeds from going
rotting is disastrous for too moist soil. Fungi are also lurking when you do not adequately ventilate the seed tray or covered pots. That is why it is important that at the bottom of the greenhouse or the pots in which you sow the tomato seeds, there are also drainage holes. The best rule for germinating tomato seeds is six to eight weeks before planting the cultivated tomato plants in the garden, so in March and April. Do not start too early, because the lack of natural sunlight will cause the germinated
tomato seeds become fragile or they shoot into the air after germination, and then slowly wither away.
Germination time tomato seeds
Tomato seeds usually germinate after 5 to 7 days. The tomato seeds are quite fragile in the beginning. They like sunlight and the first leaves will appear after 10 to 14 days. The first leaves are the seed leaves or cotyledons that will disappear after some time. Make sure the soil is always moist. After all, heat, light and moisture are crucial for the germination process.
Heat, light and moisture
Heat is very important for the actual germination of tomato seeds. For a shorter germination time, a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius is most ideal. This will certainly succeed with a seed box with a glass cover in a sunny spot in the house. If you have a mini-greenhouse, you can put your seed box there in sunny weather. The soil is then properly warmed up and cools down less quickly inside the house at night. When the tomato seeds germinate and the stem rises above the ground, the light will play a more important role. A temperature between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius is then sufficient. It is not the intention that there is too much stretch in the seedlings. To prevent skew growth, you can turn the seed tray over after a few days. Both the soil where you put the tomato seeds and the covering soil must be well moist. If you want the tomato seeds to germinate, the soil must also remain moist throughout the germination process. Use a plant sprayer to moisten. However, make sure there is adequate air circulation to prevent mold or rot.